Earn points with Air Austral

How does it work ?

You earn points by giving your card number when booking flights or when checking-in.

Loisirs Class : depending on fare bracket.

Confort Class : 25 % extra points compared to ‘Loisirs' class, with upgrades to Confort credited depending on the fare paid in Loisirs Class.

Club Austral Class : 100 % extra points compared to ‘Loisirs' class, with upgrades to Club Austral credited depending on the fare paid in Confort Class.

Additional points are credited depending on your status (based upon the Essentiel card scale)


bonus Abonne bonus Premium bonus Exclusive


Consult our available scales in the welcome guide :



Bonus points :

Air Austral will offer you "bonus" points when you join the program or during promotional campaigns.

Thanks to our partnerships for exemple with EWA Air,Rentalcars or Lux, their services are eligible for bonus credit points.

Cumulation of these points won't be taken into account for the Premium elite tier status achievement.


Validity period for points :

Points earned by a member of the Capricorn programme are valid for a 36-month period from the end of the month during which points have been credited to the account.